Vehicle accident in Spain? Here is our simple Guideline to make the claim go as smoothly as possible.
Many people who live in Spain take a lot of time when it comes to getting quotations to find cheap car insurance but very few people consider what might happen if they actually have an accident or collision with another car or other motor vehicle.
At this point your Spanish car insurance and what you are covered for becomes critical. In this article we look at the basic steps you should take with the other party should you have a car or motor accident in Spain.
How serious is the accident?
Should you be involved in a serious accident in Spain it is wise to immediately call 112 for both the police and an ambulance should it be required.
If the Damage is only Material?
If no Medical assistance is required you need to check your glove compartment ( one of the few times you will actually open it) and inside your policy pack or documentation you will find a claim form, if for some reason you do not have one don’t panic as the other vehicle involved should. If not simply gather as much information as possible ( Pictures, third party details and insurance details, position of the vehicle… etc )
Only once the claim form is filled in and you agree with it sign it and keep one copy for yourself and the other is for the third party involved.
If at any point you do not feel happy with the situation or feel intimidated as some people react differently to stressful situations just phone the police and they will handle everything.
If the vehicle is not driveable you only have to phone the Breakdown number and they will send the Grua promptly and take your vehicle to the destination you give them, we highly recommend sending the vehicle to the Garage you would like the assessment and repairs to be carried out at.
What next?
If you own a car, you should consider car insurance in Spain which comes with comprehensive coverage.
Fully comprehensive car insurance in Spain gives you extra peace of mind when insuring your vehicle. This type of insurance covers your liability and also protects your vehicle.
The cheapest cover available is third party car insurance in Spain, this protects a third party in the event of a claim.
All you have to do after this is contact us and we will organize everything with the insurance company for you and keep you updated on the claims process.
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