Vehicle Accident Forms – Do You Know How To Complete It?
We all live in the hope that we won’t have an accident whilst out and about driving, but unfortunately it is likely that at some point during our driving life an accident will befall us, whether our fault or someone else’s. If this happens do you know how to complete the Accident Statement or Declaración de Amistosa Accidente?
It is important that both parties complete the form with as many details as you can and sign it. That said, if you don’t understand what you are signing, then try to obtain assistance. The contents of this document will be used by the insurance company to assess culpability. Whilst person B might stand in front of you admitting liability, that might not be what they put on the form and you might end up being held liable and losing your no claims bonus for something that you didn’t do.
If the police are called, again make sure the the information on the form is correct before you sign and ask for the policeman’s details. They might be useful later on if there is a conflict of version of events.
Some companies will only accept the Spanish version of the form. If you have only got a Spanish version, obtain one in English so that you can check when filling the form out what the Spanish means.
Make sure you tick all the boxes and make a drawing of the events, carefully marking vehicle A and B.
You get 7 days to present the documentation to your insurance company or agent. After this time, be assured you will be contacted if person B has started the process before you.
The DGT have recently carried out a very small survey of drivers and discovered that only 4% knew how to complete the form properly.
We are here to offer you help and and advice, as well as provide for all your insurance needs.
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